A. H. T. H. P. H. |
Amos Wilson Abott, | Andover, | T. H. 1. 6. |
John Howe Andrews, | Billerica, | A. H. 3. 6. |
George Prince Andrews, | Romeo, Mich., | Mr. Moore's. |
John Francis Bassett, | Salem, | A. H. 1. 6. |
Edward Gould Bishop, | Norwalk, Ct., | Mansion House. |
Joseph C. Bodwell, Jr., | Framingham, | A. H. 6. 6. |
Thomas Kast Boltwood, | Amherst, | Dea. Gould's. |
Gerard Crane Brown, | Croton Falls, N.Y., | Mrs. Cheever's. |
Melvin Brown, | Bradford, | T. H. 5. 3. |
Julius Hobart Bronson, | Hartford, Ct., | Mansion House. |
James Eleazer Bulkley, | Southport, Ct., | Miss Swett's. |
Leander Trowbridge Chamberlain, | West Brookfield, | A. H. 6. 5. |
Henry Ely Cooley, | Newton Corner, | A. H. 2. 5. |
Samuel Erwin Cooper, | Cooper's Plains, N. Y., | Miss Swett's. |
Ebenezer Punderson Couch, | North Bridgewater, | A. H. 5. 6. |
George Porter Davis, | Ware, | A. H. 6. 3. |
Volckert Pierre Douw, Jr., | Albany, N. Y., | Rev. Mr. Turner's. |
Holder Borden Durfee, | Fall River, | Rev. Mr. Edgell's. |
Charles Harrison Dyer, | Romeo, Mich., | Mr. Moore's. |
Sherburne Blake Eaton, | Lowell, | T. H. 5. 3. |
Thomas Albert Emerson, | South Reading, | Mrs. Cheever's. |
Addison Pinneo Foster, | Lowell, | A. H. 6. 4. |
George Henry French, | Candia, N. H., | A. H. 2. 6. |
Albert Stone Garland, | Gloucester, | Mr. Ellis's. |
Lewis Robert Gates, | North Bloomfield, N. Y., | Rev. Mr. Fisher's. |
Charles Miles Gilman, | Godfrey, Ill., | Rev. Mr. Edgell's. |
Thomas Poynton Gilman, | Godfrey, Ill., | Rev. Mr. Edgell's. |
Thomas Martin Giveen, | Brunswick, Me., | A. H. 6. 4. |
John Woodworth Gould, | New York City, | Mrs. S. T. Abbott's. |
Charles Warren Green, | North Andover, | A. H. 4. 2. |
Alfred Greenwood, | Natick, | T. H. 2. 5. |
James Elliot Hall, | Boston, | Mr. Clough's. |
Huntington Wolcott Jackson, | Newark, N. J., | Prof. Barrows's. |
Thomas Dudley Kimball, | Oxford, | A. H. 6. 5. |
Adolphus Maximilian Leve, | Nakel, Prussia, | A. H. 4. 2. |
Edwin Macomber, | Oakham, | Mrs. Dolloff's. |
Francis Alexander Marden, | West Windham, N. H., | A. H. 1. 3. |
Luther Pattee Martin, | Goffstown, N. H., | A. H. 3. 5. |
William Allen Means, | Andover, | Mr. Means's. |
James Griswold Merrill, | Andover, | Rev. Mr. Merrill's. |
James Slade Millard, | Muscatine, Iowa, | A. H. 1. 4. |
Matthew M. Miller, | Galena, Ill., | Mr. Putnam's. |
George Mixter, | Hardwick, | Rev. Mr. Beard's. |
Oliver Hazard Payne, | Cleveland, Ohio, | Mrs. Johnson's. |
Charles McLean Peck, | New York City, | Rev. Mr. Edgell's. |
James Leonard Perry, | Mansfield, | T. H. 3. 3. |
William Low Pillsbury, | Derry, N. H., | T. H. 2. 6. |
William Churchill Reed, | Hampden, Me., | A. H. 2. 5. |
John Francis Saville, | Qui ncy, | T. H. 1. 5. |
Orville Barton Segrave, | Uxbridge, | T. H. 1. 5. |
Frederic Baker Sears, | Lawrence, | T. H. 5. 4. |
Samuel Phillips Newman Smyth, | Brunswick, Me., | T. H. 2. 6. |
Charles Stuart Sheldon, | Brockport, N. Y., | A. H. 4. 6. |
Charles Upham Shepard, | New Haven, | Pea. Gould's. |
George C. S. Southworth, | West Springfield, | Pea. Gould's. |
Gorham Phillips Stevens, | Lawrence, | T. H. 1. 6. |
Oliver Franklin Swift, | Falmouth, | Pea. Gould's. |
Frederick Folger Thomas, | Waverly, N. Y, | Mansion House. |
James Oberlin Treat, | Andover, | Mr. J. A. Treat's. |
Thomas Birdsall Van Boskerck, | New York City, | Miss Swett's. |
Cortlandt Whitehead, | Newark, N. J., | Prof. Barrows's. |
Charles Winslow, | Staten Island, N. Y., | A. H. 4. 5. |
Miron Winslow, | Staten Island, N. Y., | Mrs. Cheever's. |
John Hermon Woodruff, | Auburn, N. Y., | Rev. Mr. Edgell's. |
Daniel Austin, | Chicago, Ill., | Mr. Farley's. |
Augustus Leonard Bartlett, | Augusta, Me., | Mrs. Johnson's. |
Matthew Chaloner Durfee Borden, | Fall River, | Rev. Mr. Edgell's. |
George Lane Blanehard, | Weymouth, | A. H. 3. 3. |
Thomas Franklin Browneil, | New Bedford, | Mrs. Cheever's. |
Thomas Lathrop Browning, | North Stonington, Ct., | A. H. 2. 3. |
John Curtis Bundy, | St. Charles, Ill., | A. H. 5. 5. |
Reuben Chapman, | Springfield, | Mrs. Cheever's. |
Edward Chapin, | Whitinsville, | A. H. 4. 3. |
Albert Priest Charles, | Manchester, N. H., | Mansion House. |
James Monroe Clark, | Rockford, Ill., | Mr. Ellis's. |
William Bradley Clarke, | Amherst, N. H., | A. H. 1. 5. |
Timothy Farrar Crane, | Dorchester, | Mrs. Parker's. |
George Mumford Coit, | Fall River, | A. H. 5. 3. |
Wesley Crouch, | Wyoming, N. Y., | Mrs. Farnham's. |
George Philip Dutton, | Ellsworth, Me., | Rev. Mr. Turner's. |
Warren Everett Eaton, | North Reading, | A. H. 1. 3. |
Isaac Flagg, | Andover, | Mr. Flagg's. |
Charles Fletcher, | Lawrence, | T. H. 5. 4. |
Horace Frye, | Lawrence, | T. H. 2. 5. |
Charles Hyde Gaylord, | Ashford, Ct., | A. H. 4. 3. |
John Lancaster Gleason, | Mc Indoes, Vt., | A. H. 4. 5. |
Arthur Maurice Greene, | North Andover, | A. H. 3. 3. |
Timothy Miller Griffing, | Riverhead, N. Y., | Rev. Mr. Beard's. |
Lewis Daniel Harbaugh, | Detroit, Mich., | Mrs. Tenney's. |
Henry James Hayward, | Milford, | Mrs. Johnson's. |
Frank Townsend Hazlewood, Jr., | Cambridgeport, | A. H. 1. 5. |
Thomas Browning Hewitt, | North Stonington, Ct., | A. H. 2. 3. |
Charles Henry Hodgman, | Manchester, N. H., | Mr. Charles's. |
Wendell Phillips Hood, | Danvers, | A. H. 3. 6. |
Elias Wilkins Howe, | Danvers, | Mrs. Cheever's. |
Charles Webster Kimball, | Bradford, | T. H. 2. 2. |
William Augustus Kimball, | Boston, | Mr. G. L. Abbott's. |
John Crannell Minor, | New York City, | Rev. Mr. Edgell's. |
Amos Herr Mylin, | Lancaster, Pa., | A. H. 5. 1. |
Peter Butler Olney, | Oxford, | A. H. 6. 1. |
Newton Smith Otis, | Aurora, Ill., | A. H. 5. 4. |
John Marshall Paul, Jr., | Belvidere, N. J., | Mrs. Tenney's. |
William Gaylord Peck, | West Cambridge, | Mr. Chandler's. |
Arthur Phinney, | Gorham, Me., | A. H. 2. 1. |
Thomas Pitts, | Portland, Me., | Mr. Chandler's. |
Jared Lawrence Rathbone, | Albany, N. Y., | Dea. Gould's. |
Cyrus Richardson, | Drocet, | A. H. 3. 3. |
Charles Augustus Robbins, | Brunswick, Me., | A. H. 6. 1. |
Darius Starr, | Westboro, | Mrs. Cheever's. |
Seargent Prentiss Stearns, | Newark, N. J., | Mrs. Tenney's. |
John Woodbury Scribner, | Raymond, N. H., | A. H. 3. 4. |
Orrin Smith, Jr., | Galena, Ill.. | Mr. Draper's. |
Thomas Delap Smith, | Boston, | A. H. 1. 6. |
Norman Story, | New Orleans, Le., | Mr. Ellis's. |
Samuel Storrow, | Lawrence, | Miss Swett's. |
Frederic Perkins Taylor, | Sanborton, N. H., | A. H. 5. 4. |
Charles Ward, | Newton Centre, | A. H. 4. 6. |
George Rowland Waterman, | Lawrence, | A. H. 5. 3. |
George Henry Whitcomb, | Worcester, | Rev. Mr. Edgell's. |
Bradford Ripley Wood, Jr., | Albany, N. Y., | Mrs. Parker's. |
George Washburn Young, | Fall River, | Mrs. Tenneys. |
Asa George Abbott, | Andover, | Mrs. S. T. Abbott's. |
Joseph Albert Abbott, | Andover, | Mr. J. Abbott's. |
Lewis Lowe Abbott, | Andover, | Dea. A. Abbott's. |
John Mitchell Allen, | Marion, | A. H. 1. 1. |
George Herbert Arnold, | South Coventry, Ct., | Mr. Eaton's. |
William Bartlett Atkinson, | Newburyport, | Mr. Pearsons. |
Franklin Lee Barrows, | Andover, | Prof. Barrows's. |
Gideon E. Blackburn, | Jerseyville, Ill., | Mrs. Cheever's. |
James Brand, | Saco, Me., | P. H. 4. |
William Henry Beard, | Andover, | Rev. Mr. Beard's. |
Albert Frank Berry, | Pittsfield, N. H., | T. H. 4. 5. |
George Tyler Bigelow, Jr., | Boston, | Mrs. Tenney's. |
Eben Moody Boynton, | West Newbury, | T. H. 3. 5. |
James William Brown, | Raymond, N. H., | A. H. 3. 4. |
Walter Buck, | Andover, | Mr. Buck's. |
Henry Varnum Butler, Jr., | New York. City, | Prof. Barrows's. |
Abner Wheeler Buttrick, | Lowell, | Mrs. Tenney's. |
Harrison Tyler Chandler, | Chandlerville, Ill., | Mansion House. |
Albertson Case, | Southold, N. Y., | Rev. Mr. Beard's. |
Samuel Fletcher Chapin, | Whitinsville, | Mr. Church's. |
Dennis Homer Chesebro, | Homer, Pa., | A. H. 2. 1. |
John Gains Cooley, Jr., | Norwich, Ct., | Mrs. Johnson's. |
William Crosby, | Bangor, Me., | Mrs. Cheever's. |
George Gilbert Davis, | North Andover, | Hon. G. Davis's. |
John Davis, | Methuen, | T. H. 1. 2. |
James Gregory Dougherty, | Newport, R. I., | A. H. 5. 3. |
Charles Stuart Dunham, | Hartford, Ct., | Mr. Hammond's. |
George Albert Eaton, | Manchester, N. H., | T. H. 2. 4. |
James Howard Eaton, | Andover,, | Mr. Eaton's. |
William 'Wells Eaton, | Andover, | Mr. Eaton's. |
Orestes Gardner Eldridge, | Hancock, | Mrs. Cheever's. |
Edwin Farnham, | Philadelphia, Pa., | Rev. Mr. Beard's. |
Joshua Abbe Fessenden, | Rockland, Me., | Mr. Chandler's. |
Henry Peter French, | Andover, | Mr. French's. |
John Morgan Fisher, | Lawrence, | Rev. Mr. Fishers. |
William Phineas Fisher, | Hamilton, C. W, | Rev. Mr. Fisher's. |
George Todd Ford, | Akron, Ohio, | Mrs. Johnson's. |
Donald McLeod Frothingham, | Boston, | Rev. Mr. Turner's. |
Samuel Frothingham, | Boston, | Rev. Mr. Turner's. |
Augustus Hermann Francke Furbish, | Portland, Me., | Dea. Gould's. |
Luther Clark Gallagher, | Bloomfield, N. J., | Mrs. Parker's. |
Benjamin Gamaliel Gleason, | Andover, | Mr. Gleason's. |
Lemuel Gott, Jr., | Berlin, | A. H. 3. 1. |
John William Grout, | Worcester, | Mrs. Parker's. |
Colburn Hartshorn, | Lunenburg, Vt., | A. H. 5. 2. |
Edward Howe Hartshorn, | Berlin, | A. H. 3. 1. |
Julius Willard Hartshorn, | Lunenburg, Vt., | A. H. 5. 2. |
Elisha Littell Hayward, | Buffalo, N. Y., | A. H. 5. 5. |
Thomas Hedge, Jr., | Burlington, Iowa, | Rev. Mr. Beard's. |
E. V. N. Hitchcock, | Pittsford, Vt., | Mansion House. |
George A. Hitchcock, | Jamaica Plain, | A, H. 6. 6. |
Luciaii Holmes, | Auburn, N. H., | A. H. 2. 6. |
John Hopkins, | Blackstone, | T. H. 4. 3. |
William Mitchell Johnson, | North Andover, | Mr. Johnson's. |
Courtney Smith Kitchel, | Detroit, Mich., | A. H. 4. 6. |
Samuel Jacob Koontz, | Clear Spring, Pa., | Mr. Ellis's. |
George Whitefield Lamson, | New York City, | T. II. 4. 3. |
Charles Edward Lane, | So. New Market, N. H., | T. H. 2. 3. |
James Haywood Lee, | Lenox, | Mansion House. |
John Irving Legro, | Rochester, N. H., | Mr. Chandler's. |
Jackson Locke, | Bradford, | T. H. 4. 1. |
John Myrick Macy, | Cincinnati, Ohio, | Mrs. Cheever's. |
John Hildreth McCoIlom, | Bradford, | Mrs. Parker's. |
Elbridge Gerry Manning, | North Andover, | Mr. Manning's. |
David McGregor Means, | Andover, | Mr. Means's. |
David Otis Mears, | Essex, | A. H. 2. 4. |
Howard Elliott Mitchell, | Hudson, N. Y., | Mr. Pearson's. |
Charles Augustine Mooar, | Ipswich, | Rev. Mr. Mooar's. |
William Morgan, | Lyon's Farms, | Mrs. D. T. Abbott's. |
Cyrus Rich Morgan, | Clinton, | P. H. 4. |
Samuel Francis Murry, | Auburn, N. H., | A. H. 2. 6. |
Andrew Gormly Myers, | Dubuque, Iowa, | T. H. 5. 6. |
Charles Henry Newhall, | Litchfield, N. H., | A. H. 1. 4. |
Charles Egar Otis, | Aurora, Ill., | A. H. 5. 4. |
Moses Greely Parker, | Dracut, | T. H. 4. 6. |
Abram Prall, | Paterson, N J., | Rev. J. L. Taylor's. |
Aaron Sanford Pennington, | Paterson, N. J., | Rev. J. L. Taylor's. |
Edward Sonthworth Perry, | New London, Ct., | Miss Goold's. |
John Welch Porter, | Danvers, | A. H. 3. 5. |
George Levi Putnam, | Grafton, Vt., | Mr. Eaton's. |
Horace Bradstreet Plummet, | Georgetown, | T. H. 5. 5. |
Thomas Raftery, | Isle of Achill, Ireland, | A. H. 6. 2. |
William Henry Harrison Richardson, | Strykersville, .N. Y., | T. H. 5. 6. |
James Morgan Safford, | Portland, Me., | Mansion House. |
Elmer Preston Sargent, | West Amesbury, | Mr. Pearson's. |
Frederic Bolton Savage, | Montreal, G. E., | Mrs. Johnson's. |
Amos Mcllinger Swarr, | Lancaster, Pa., | Mr. Ellis's. |
Edwin Hyde Sherwood, | Southport, Ct., | Miss Swett's. |
Charles Gilbert Stevens, | Bangor, Me., | Mr. Heymer's. |
Andrew Jackson Smith, | Trenton, N. J., | Mansion House. |
Charles Edgar Smith, | Ellsworth, Me,, | A. H. 5. 1. |
Daniel Josiah Stone, | Needham, | A. H. 3. 6. |
Aaron Hovey Storrs, | Mansfield Centre, Ct., | A. H. 1. 1. |
Frederic Stowe, | Andover, | Prof. Stowe's. |
Peter Dove Smith, | Andover, | Dea. Smith's. |
Morton Carter Swift, | Warren, Ct., | T. H. 3. 6. |
Fitch Brainard Taylor, | New York City, | Dea. Abbott's. |
William Clinton Tracy, | Wattsburgh, Pa., | Mr. Clough's. |
William Warner Tracy, | Andover, | Dr. Tracy's. |
Frank Trask, | Manchester, N. H., | T. H. 2. . |
Eugene Ligon Tenncy, | Fayette, Miss., | Mrs. Tenney's. |
Edward Twitchell, | Boston, | A. H. s. s. |
Edwin Augustine Thomas, | New Salem, | A. H. 4. 5. |
John Tyler, | Detroit, Mich., | A. H. 4. 3. |
William Mason Walker, | East Abington, | A. H. 3. 3. |
Joseph Ward, | Perry Centre, N. Y., | Mrs. Farnham's. |
Lnander Waterman, | Halifax, | Mr. Clough's. |
Henry Augustus Wilder, | Lawrence, | T. H. 3. 6. |
Isaac Davis White, | Bangor, Me., | Mansion house. |
Henry Parks Wright, | Oakham, | Mr. Heymer's. |
Edward Payson Woodruff, | Strykersville, N Y., | T. H. 5. 6. |
Job Abbott, | Andover, | Mr. N. B. Abbott's. |
Moses Bailey Abbott, | Andover, | T. H. 2. 1. |
Timothy Fletcher Allen; | Andover, | Mr. Allen's. |
Charles Pinckney Bailey, | North Andover, | Mr. Bailey's. |
Frederick Henry Bailey, | Methuen, | Mr. Bailey's. |
John Henry Barnard, | Andover, | Mr. Barnard's. |
Lewis Benedict, | Rochester, N. Y., | Mrs. Cheever's. |
Philip Henry Borden, | Fall River, R. I.. | Mr. Clough's. |
Robert Southgate Bowne, | Flushing, N. Y., | Dea. A. Abbott's. |
Charles Henry Buckley, | Andover, | Mr. Buckley's. |
William Edwards Burtt, | Andover, | Mr. Burtt's. |
Charles Phineas Chamberlain, | Bath, N. H., | Mr. Morton's. |
Edwin Chamberlain, | Bath, N. H., | Mr. Morton's. |
George Warren Chandler, | Andover, | Mr. Chandler's. |
Charles Julius Cobb, | Bucksport, Me., | Mansion House. |
Thomas Marland Cogswell, | Andover, | Mr. Cogswell's. |
Robert Adams Coker, | Georgetown, | T. H. 4. 5. |
George Frederick Colburn, | Rosbury, | T. H. 4. 5. |
Richard Rosevelt Colburn, | Ansonia, Ct., | T. H. 5. 1. |
George Henry Cook, | Lawrence, | T. H. 4. 6. |
William Johnson Damon, | Concord, | Mr. Ellis's. |
George Edwin Darling, | Calais, Me., | Mansion House. |
George Thaddeus Davis, | Bedford, | T. H. 2. 4. |
James Henry Davis, | North Andover, | Hon. G. Davis's. |
Ebenezer Dewing, | North Chelsea, | Mr. Worcester's. |
William Alexander Donald, | Andover, | Mr. Donald's. |
Henry Bryan Douglass, | Aurora, Ill., | T. H. 2. 3. |
James Andrew Eaton, | Sutton, N. H., | T. H. 3. 5. |
Edwin Eugene Emerson, | South Reading, | Mrs. Cheever's. |
Charles William Flint, | Andover, | Mr. Flint's. |
Sanford King Goldsmith, | Andover, | Mr. Chandler's. |
John Franklin Gooch, | Andover, | Mr. Gooch's. |
Artemas Gott, | Rockport, | T. H. 2. 1. |
William harrison Gray, | San Francisco, Cal., | Mrs. Cheever's. |
George Herbert Gutterson, | Andover, | Miss Phelps's |
Leander Miller Haskins, | Rockport, | T. H. 1. 4. |
Charles Warren hayward, | Andover, | Mr. Hayward's. |
George Edward hayward, | Andover, | Mr. Hayward's. |
Henry Albert Hayward, | Andover, | Mr. Hayward's. |
William Edward Healy | China, Me., | Mrs. Cheever's. |
Augustus Huntington Hebard, | Burlington, Iowa, | Miss Goold's. |
William Clinton Hendrie, | Burlington, Iowa, | Rev. Mr. Beard's. |
Dwight Ezra Hewitt, | North Stonington, Ct., | A. H. 2. 2. |
Ansel Putnam Holman, | Slatersville, R. I., | Mr. Moore's. |
Sydney Temple Holmes, | Plymouth, | Mr. Clough's. |
Thomas Burruss Holmes, | North Stonington, Ct., | A. H. 2. 4. |
Brooks Frye Holt, | Andover, | Mr. J. Holt's. |
Jonathan Abbott Holt, | Andover, | Dea. S. Holt's. |
Lewis Garrison Holt, | Andover, | Mr. J. Holt's. |
Frederic Cleveland Homes, | St. Louis Mo., | Mansion House. |
Charles Humphreys, | Washington, D. C., | Mrs. Hervey's. |
Henry Holingsworth Humphreys, | Washington, D. C., | Mrs. Hervey's. |
Wyman Dwight Hussey, | Andover, | Mr. Hussey's. |
Myron Russell Hutchinson, | Middleton, | Mr. S. Abbott's. |
Joseph Bell Hyde, | New York City, | Mansion House. |
Herbert Dodge Ingersoll, | Gloucester, | H. 2. 4. |
William True Jackson, | Andover, | Rev. Dr. Jackson's. |
William Henry Johns, Jr., | St. Clair, Pa., | Mrs. Johnson's. |
David Johnston, | Andover, | Mr. Johnston's. |
Daniel Spaulding Jones, | Norridgewock, Me., | T. H. 3. 5. |
William Clarence Jones, | Met huen, | Mrs. Jones's. |
George Henry Kimball, | Bradford, | Mr. Kimball's. |
William Alison Kimball, | Bradford, | T. H. 2. 2. |
Francis Elisha Kinney, | Holland, | Mrs. Cheever's. |
lEi Locke Lamprey, | Haverhill, | T. H. 1. 1. |
Edwin Lamson, | New York City, | T. H. 4. 3. |
Rufus Griswold Leavitt, | Flushing, N. Y., | B. H. 32. |
William Henry Lemon, | Andover, | Mr. Lemon's. |
Charles Harris Lester, | Plainfield, Ct., | Mr. Clough's. |
Joseph Tbompson Lovejoy, | Andover, | Mr. Lovejoy's. |
Henry Martin Lowe, | Rockport, | T. H. 1. 4. |
Edwin Loweree, | Flushing, N. Y., | Dea. A. Abbott's. |
Peter Byron Lowson, | Andover, | Mr. Lowson's. |
Van Buren Martin, | Goffstown, N. H., | A. H. 3. 4. |
Robert Lawrence Means, | Andover, | Mr. Means's. |
James Warwick Merrill, | Andover, | Mr. Merrill's. |
Henry Alfred Noyas, | Andover, | Mr. Noyes's. |
Charles Wesley Osgood, | North Andover, | Mrs. Osgood's. |
Charles Sullivan Parker, | North Andover, | Mr. Parker's. |
Charles Breckenridge Peabody, | Zanesville, O., | T. H. 5. 3. |
Edward Riggs Penington, | Newark, N. J., | Rev. J. L. Taylor's. |
James Wilkeson Penrose, | Niles, Mich., | Mr. Cheever's. |
John Phillips, | Lawrence, | Mr. Phillips's. |
Alden Eaton Pillsbury, | Sandown, N. H., | A. H. 2. 6. |
Martin Luther Poland, | St. Johnsbury, | A. H. 1. 3. |
George Sanger Poole, | South Danvers, | Mrs. Cheever's. |
Gardner Otis Prouty, | Oakham, | Mrs. Dolloff's. |
Frederic Reed, | South Weymouth, | Mr. Chandler's. |
George Stevens Richardson, | Andover, | Mr. Richardson's. |
Swartz Ricbardson, | Woburn, | T. H. 3. 6. |
William Harris Richardson, | Wa burn, | T. H. 3. 6. |
George Wyman Russell, | North Andover, | Mrs. Hervey's. |
John Francis Ryder, | South Newmarket, N. H, | T. H. 2. 3. |
Theodore Clement Sabine, | Philadelphia, Pa., | Mrs. Johnson's. |
Augustine Sackett, | Warner, Ct., | T. H. 3. 6. |
David Jewett Sewall, | Rockport, | T. H. 2. 4. |
Charles William Shattuck, | Andover, | Mr. Shattuck's. |
Lyman Monson Shorey, | Industry, Me., | A. H. 5. 2. |
Frederic Williams Stackpole, | Roxbury, | Mr. Ellis's. |
William Church Stoddard, | Fair Haven, | Mr. Church's. |
Albert Stone, | Boston, | Mrs. Parker's. |
Edward Le Roy Stowell, | South Brookfield, | Dea. Gould's. |
William Oliver Straw, | Guilford, Me., | A. H. 3. 2. |
William Edward Swift, | Lexington, Ky., | Mrs. S. T. Abbott's. |
Charles William Tenney, | Georgetown, | Mr. Ellis's. |
John Tenney, | Andover, | Mrs. Tenney's. |
Edward Freeman Thompson, | Slatersville, R. L, | T. H. 1. 2. |
Washington Webster Thompson, | Lenox, Choc. N., | Miss Goold's. |
Charles Turner Tracy, | Chelsea, | T. H. 1. 1. |
Horace Henry Tyer, | Andover, | Mr. Tyer's. |
Benjamin Augustus lipton, | North Reading, | A. H. 3. 2. |
Edward Porter Warner, | St. Johnsbury, Vt., | Mr. Ellis's. |
Munson Lyman Wetherell, | Lawrence, | Mrs. Wetherell's. |
Leonard Hemenway Wheeler, | Lowell, | Miss Griffin's. |
Eben White, | Reading, | T. H. 4. 5. |
Charles Preston Wyman, | Ashby, | Mrs. Cheavar's. |
Smith Paine Young, | Slatersville, R. I., | T. H. 1. 2. |
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349 |
FIRST TERM. | (Latin Lessons (Weld's). Latin Grammar (Andrews and Stoddard's). Latin Reader. |
SECOND TERM. | (Latin Grammar continued. Latin Reader continued. Arnold's Latin-Prose Composition, through the course. |
THIRD TERM. | Latin Grammar continued. Nepos (Arnold's). Arithmetic (Eaton's), through the course. Ancient History (Worcester's Elements), through the course. |
FIRST TERM. | Cicero's Orations (Johnson's or
Folsom's) commenced. Translations into English, and written Analyses of the Orations. Kühner's Elementary Greek Grammar commenced. Algebra (Day's), through the course. |
SECOND TERM. | Cicero's Orations continued. Anabasis (Owen's or Boise's) commenced. Geography. |
THIRD TERM. | Virgil commenced. Latin Prosody. Anabasis continued. Written Translations from Virgil. |
FIRST TERM. | Virgil continued. Anabasis continued. Exercises in comparing the Latin with the Greek. Liddell's History of Rome. Döderlein's Latin Synonymes. |
SECOND TERM | Virgil completed. Homer's Iliad (Felton's or Owen's) ---two books. Translations into Latin and Greek Verse. Owen's Acts of the Apostles. Ancient Geography (Mitchell's or Long's). Smith's History of Greece. |
THIRD TERM. | Sallust. Owen's Acts of the Apostles. Translations from Latin into Greek and from Greek into Latin. Studies reviewed. |
The instruction in this Department is confined to the Latin and Greek Classics, and such other studies as are requisite to prepare young men for college. Each teacher devotes his whole time to two classes, giving twice the usual amount of time to each recitation. This has been found of very great service to the student. Considering, therefore, the single object had in view, and the time afforded each teacher to enter into a full explanation of the difficulties and peculiarities of every lesson, it is believed that few institutions present equal advantages to young men wishing to prepare for college.
The course of study, as marked out, embraces three years; and it is believed that this thorough course is best fitted to prepare the student for the most successful progress in his college studies. No student will be admitted who contemplates entering college before he has completed a thorough course.
New classes are admitted to the Classical Department twice a year, --- at the commencement of the Spring and Autumn terms. Students, however, may enter at any time during the year, if they are prepared to join an existing class.
Scholars who enter the English Department are required to pass a satisfactory examination in Reading, Writing, Spelling, English Grammar, Modern Geography, and Arithmetic through Fractions.
The course of instruction in this Department is designed to impart a thorough knowledge of the common and higher branches of an English education.
Regular courses of lectures are given on Chemistry and Natural Philosophy; besides occasional lectures on Astronomy, Geology, and various other subjects, as the wants of particular classes require.
The higher classes have exercises in analyzing Milton, Young, and other poets, in connection with a course of familiar lectures on the principles of English Grammar. In these and other exercises of the English Department, special attention is given to those who are desirous of qualifying themselves to become teachers.
The Institution is provided with apparatus sufficient for illustrating very fully most of the important principles in Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, and Astronomy. It has also an extensive cabinet of minerals, and a complete and valuable set of instruments for Practical Surveying and Civil Engineering. Surveying, Chemistry, and Botany are studied during the Spring and Summer term.
The library contains about eight hundred volumes, and is open to all the members of this Department.
Reading, Writing, Orthography; Wells's Grammar; Morse's Geography; History of the United States (Lossing's or Willson's) ; General History (Willson's) ; Eaton's Arithmetic; Day's Algebra; Davies's Bourdon, Legendre, Surveying, Analytical Geometry and Descriptive Geometry; Bridge's Conic Sections; Olmsted's Natural Philosophy and Astronomy; Kendall's Uranography Hitchcock's Book-Keeping by Double Entry; Chemistry; Mineralogy and Geology; Wood's Botany; Hooker's Anatomy and Physiology; Paley's Natural Theology; Evidences of Christianity; Rhetoric; Logic; Upham's Mental Philosophy; Wayland's Moral Science and Political Economy.
Instruction in Sacred Music is given to all members of the school who wish it, without additional charge.
There are three Academic terms during the year: the first, commencing five weeks after the last Wednesday of July; the second, three weeks after the first Wednesday before the annual Thanksgiving of Massachusetts; the third, three weeks after the last Wednesday of March. The vacation commencing at the close of the Summer term is five weeks; the other vacations are three weeks each.
Students who wish to enter the Academy are required to furnish testimonials that they sustain a good moral character.
The members of the Academy are required to attend church regularly on the Sabbath, at the Chapel of the Theological Seminary, and also a Biblical exercise every Sabbath morning in the Academy.
A punctual attendance at every exercise is required of each student; and, as the absence from a single recitation interferes with the student's progress, it is earnestly requested that parents would not consent that their sons should return home during term-time.
No student will be admitted to the Senior Class who does not fully intend to remain till the end of the year.
In ordinary eases, students will not be admitted to the Academy, if they intend leaving before the close of the term.
Tuition for each term in the Classical Department, is $8.00. Indigent students who complete the full course preparatory for college, can be admitted free of tuition by furnishing to the Treasurer a certificate, signed by two responsible persons, that their circumstances are such as to render the aid necessary. But students admitted free of tuition, if they leave before completing the full course, are expected to pay a sum equal to the tuition for the time they were in the school.
Tuition in the English Department is $7.00, for the Autumn term, and $8.00 for each of the other terms. Students are not admitted free of tuition in this Department. No deduction will be made for occasional absence.
Tuition in both Departments is to be paid at the commencement of each term.
The price of board at the Boarding-house, which is kept by a private family, and is under good regulations, and subject to the general direction of the Trustees, is $2.75 per week.
The expense of board in private families varies from $3.50 to $4.00 per week.
A large number of students board in Commons: board is here charged at its net expense, and varies with the price of provisions. The price during the past year, has been about $1.75 per week. It is expected that every student who boards in Commons, will make every consistent effort to keep the board as low as $1.75 per week, the price fixed by the Trustees.
Each student, in Commons, is charged $3.00 a term for the use of his room, to be paid at the commencement of the term; but students admitted free of tuition, pay but $1.00 a term.
In the above prices of board, whether in private families or Commons, wood, lights, and washing, are not included.
Students who board in Commons are required to pay one-half of their board at the beginning of the term, and the remainder at the middle.
Each room in the Commons has two bed-rooms connected with it. The rooms are furnished with a bedstead for a single bed, under-bed, and table. A bed and bedding are usually brought from home. Other articles necessary to furnish a room can be obtained here at a small expense.
The "Students' Educational Fund," founded by the Senior Class of 1854, for the benefit of Worthy Indigent Students, has already reached $2,300. It is intended to increase this fund to at least $10,000.