Winfield M. Sides Pennsylvania State Head of the Mathematics Appointed 19?? |
Kudos and Memories "Mr. Sides: At the board, chalk poised: 'You dictate, I write... and then, as the student starts to falter or digress, 'Stick to that which you know!' Doing well in Mr. Sides' Math 2X was a special accomplishment for me ...my father had flunked Sides' math class his senior year at Andover, and had been forced to return from his home in New Orleans during the summer, earning his passage by shoveling coal in the boiler room of a coastal ship, in order to attend summer school and graduate. My success re-kindled the grudging friendship which existed between Mr. Sides and my father, and Mr. Sides stayed at my parents' home in Germany shortly before his death. Another very nice story about a very nice man..." Bill Bell
Memorable Quotes or Quirks