<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Sam the Barber

Sam the Barber

Sam DeLuca had a barber shop in the Andover Inn. Did he cut your hair? Here is an article from the October 6, 1955 issue of The Phillipian. Let us know if you have any stories about Sam, or his barber shop, or the Andover Inn.



Lea Pendleton writes:

"Here's something that I remember that I'd like to share with the class.

Sam the Barber was known as "60 Second Sam" for the obvious reason
that that's all the time he took to cut your hair - crew cuts in those
days, now called "buzzies". Because I was a day student and lived
near the school, my father sent me to Sam for a haircut once a week
($1.00 plus tip) from the time that I was quite young. Sam's "salon"
was downstairs at the Andover Inn across the hallway from the Men's
room. Now you know why I never made my kids get their own hair cuts if
they didn't want them, and as a result had a number of Little Lord
Fauntelroys around my house for a while.

Each summer, Sam decamped for Rockingham Park, a race track in New
Hampshire, where he cut hair for the horse players, and I recall,
played the horses himself. He was a nice guy with a long time
affiliation with the school."

Lea Pendleton


Last Saved July 2, 2009
© Class of 1959 Phillips Academy